Posts Tagged ‘Lady Gaga’

Lady Gaga’s newest video: Alejandro

June 8, 2010

The newest video by music’s biggest star – Alejandro, by Lady Gaga. It’s the third single from Gaga’s 2009 album The Fame Monster. As Samuel Axon says over at Mashable, it’s darker in tone than the bubbly, tongue-in-cheek “Telephone.” The song, in my view, is a bit uninspiring and repetitive, but like the video it draws upon Madonna, one of the Lady’s biggest influences. As Axon reports, it also “draws elements and visual stylings from the expressionist film movement of pre-Nazi 1920s Germany.”

The newest top YouTube video of all time: Lady Gaga

April 15, 2010

Here it is, the biggest YouTube video ever, courtesy Lady Gaga (with a bit of help from Beyonce.’) Enjoy….